4 Code Penal

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Principles of heaven very often find their applications in our physical world. Let's observe what the French criminal justice Code says about the general principles of the application of justice (according to the French citizen).

Article 111-1 Criminal offenses are divided, according to their seriousness, into crimes and misdemeanors

For God, an infraction of his will is a sin. For him there are no big or small sins, all lead us to death.
For God, an offense committed against a Christian, is an offense committed against God himself.

Article 111-2 The law determines which are the crimes and the misdemeanors and sets the penalties applicable to their authors

  • The TORA[1] explain to us that sin causes the rupture of communion with God. It also gives us the means to restore this communion. The TORA is still relevant for the unjust[2].
  • For the righteous, Christians, the Holy Spirit testifies to their Spirit if there is sin in their lives[3].. He leads them to confess these to Jesus Christ so that he may wash them again from all iniquities[4].

Article 111-3 No one may be punished for a crime which is not defined by law

  • No one may be punished with a penalty which is not provided for by law.
  • God is just, has foreseen all eventualities and he will judge every man and every woman, either for retribution (tribunal of Christ1) or for condemnation (last judgment). None of them will be able to challenge the just judgment of God, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess to Jesus Christ.

Article 111-4 Criminal law is to be interpreted strictly

  • The Principles of God's Divine Justice[5] are also strictly interpreted. Forgiveness can be defined as the dispensation from the execution of the penalty, granted by the Christian.
  • Forgiveness is not the expression of love, but the strict application of God's criminal justice book. This one, explains perfectly what is "The rule of forgiveness". The systematic study presented in this document reveals this simple rule to us; to forgive in the same way that God forgives all those who sincerely ask us for forgiveness.

Article 111-5 Who is reponsible for the judgment?

  • The criminal courts[6] are competent to interpret administrative, regulatory or individual acts and to assess their legality when, on this examination, the outcome of the criminal case submitted to them depends.

In the natural world

  • In the natural world, in France, the law establishes the rules concerning civil rights and the fundamental guarantees granted to citizens for the exercise of public freedoms, liberty, etc.
  • The law also determines what are the penalties incurred in the event of infringement thereof.
  • Within criminal trial courts[7], the judge is an agent of the State responsible for administering criminal justice. This one strictly applies the penal law, it discerns what is the infringement and renders a legal decision, a judgement. The judgment is the decision rendered by the judge.
  • He then decides either on a conviction with a sentence to be executed (death penalty, prison sentence, fine), or on an acquittal (with compensation).
  • For example, for a murder, the criminal judge strictly applies the law by applying the penal code Article 221-1 "The fact of voluntarily causing death to another constitutes a murder. He is punished with thirty years' imprisonment." When a judgment has been rendered, it must then be executed.

In the spiritual world

  • In the spiritual world, within the penal jurisdictions of divine judgment, the Christian[8], is an agent of the kingdom of God in charge of strictly rendering the penal justice of Christ. The Christian must discern good from evil, and render a decision of justice, a judgment.
 By the strict application of the rule of forgiveness, he will decide to grant his forgiveness, or to withhold it. The judgment rendered will then be executed.

Concerning forgiveness

  • Concerning forgiveness, granted by a Christian, the execution of this judgment will be a complete release with a complete erasure of this harm from criminal records. The incriminated fault is forgiven, therefore erased and forgotten by the divine legal authorities. The harms made by this person to this Christian will never again be reproached to him by any divine tribunal[9].

Concerning non-forgiveness

  • Concerning non-forgiveness, the execution of this judgment will be the God’s vengeance[10], who will decide the penalty, to repair, on the one hand, and to set a plan of salvation[11] set for the hard heart of this tormentor, on the other hand.

Notes and References

  1. The TORA is what the scriptures call the Law. It is described in the first five books of the Bible (pentateuch). The law has 613 commandments.
  2. 1 Timothée 1:8-11. But we know that the law is good if a man uses it lawfully, 9 knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous one, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10 for fornicators, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and anything else that is contrary to sound doctrine, 11 according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.
  3. If they've violated God's will for their life...
  4. 1.Jn.1:9. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
  5. God who does not hold the innocent guilty, nor the guilty innocent.
  6. the judge is an agent of the State, attached to the judicial power responsible for dispensing justice.
  7. En France, une juridiction pénale de jugement se prononcer sur la culpabilité d'un individu au regard de la loi pénale et, si l'individu a été déclaré coupable, de prononcer une peine.
  8. as king or queen.
    • The privilege of the king or queen is to judge!
  9. Cf the judgment seat of Christ, Last Judgment...
  10. Romains 12:19. not avenging yourselves, beloved, but giving place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord."
  11. in accordance with the prayer of his child in favor of his tormentor. Indeed, the Christian who could not grant a just pardon, will not grant an unjust pardon. But he will pray for his tormentor whom Jesus Christ has asked him to love!...